What is the Gig economy?

 In todays age, where technology has been made the first priority in many peoples lives, the gig economy has simultaneously experienced a rise in popularity.

 First of all what is the gig economy?

It is a labour market charecterised by the prevalance of short term contracts of freelance workers who dont engage in permenant jobs. These 'gig workers' typically work on a project or task basis, offering their services or skills to clients or companies for a specific duration.

Personally, I have used multiple freelancing platforms such as Fiverr and 99Designs for short tasks and a cheap price. The availability of such workers who uptake and complete your task for a short period of time, provides significant satisfaction to customers or clients who might not be interested or have the funds to hire full time workers. Here listed out are some other primary reasons why the gig economy has seen outstanding growth.

  • Digita platforms - As i mentioned at the begining, the internet and technology have turned into our lkife support, without these we can not survive. Many gig workers find jobs through online platforms and apps that connect them with clients or customers seeking specific services.
  • Flexibility - Gig workers have the flexibility to choose when and where they work. This is often cited as one ofe the main attractions of gig work.
  • Variety of work - Gig workers can additionally engage in various jobs and projects, allowing them to diversify their skills and experiences.

These benefits might seem temting to someone trying to find a job, but such 'economies' also bring about, if not some, many draw backs.

Working as a freelancer can lead to job insecurity as the number of clients you recieve is based on the demand of the service you offer and the competition you face. The income recieved is highly variable as workers might experience periods of high demand followed by slower times, which can make it challenging to budget and save money. These peak demand times can also cause the worker to deal with  lot of clients, some of which could end up being dissatisfied and provide negative reviews, hence making the workers profile seem unproffesional and result in fewer potential clients being recieved.

-Sujay Raju


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