Should marketing focus on quantity or quality?
Blog #2 Should marketing focus on quantity or quality ? We see businesses market themselves every single day, all around us whether it be on a billboard or a news article in the form of ads and what not. But why are there so many ads? Why do businesses promote themselves so much? The answer to all of these questions may be simple, but before we dive into them we need to understand what marketing is. Marketing isn't just about placing ads all round us in the chance of us getting attracted and buying the product or service the business offers. It is about identifying and meeting the needs of customers which is done in a profitable manner. Once a business in successful in this, it is then that they uses adverts to show consumers/customers that they have understood they're needs in hopes of them buying the businesses products/services instead of competitors. Coming back to our topic. Should marketing focus on quantity or quality? Like every other resource in this world, the fina...